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new age
by s2art

Question by Google Ron Paul!: Does New Age Spirituality sound too good to be true?
New Age Spirituality always talks about the good and how everything is what it meant to be and how the heart is always the answer and how you create your reality and how we all go to heaven. But can it be too good to be true? Or is it the truth?
curious- yes that is true. all religions are about guilt. and people in the world suffer so they accept it. it is great control thing as govts do profit from faith.

new age spirituality is basically you make your own suffering and that your life is in your hands. that the universe is so great and cool. so i am asking this question if its too good to be true. i dont want no fairytales, i want reality.

Best answer:

Answer by ex nihilo
to be consistent with itself, you can’t really ask anyone if it’s “the truth”, because, the truth is in YOU! So, ask yourself, and see what you think. Whatever you think, you’re right.

Kinda scary if you ask me. A good existentialist way to condemn yourself to blissful ignorance.

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6 Responses to Does New Age Spirituality sound too good to be true?

  • Maddy says:

    Well how can there be a heaven without a God? And if He exists, He decides what’s true, not us.

  • hiddenstar says:

    I can see the logic in this sort of belief, because positive thought will make you happier and even healthier.
    But you’re right, it is too good to be true. New Age spirituality denies the existence of “evil” or a darker side of life, when really it’s perfectly natural – the world is all about duality.

  • Curiously, curious says:

    One thing is certain. New Agers do not throw guilt at anyone. Maybe that’s why you are skeptical. You’re used to being told that some things you think or do are wronggggg……guilt, guilt, guilt.

    Monotheistic religions are big on guilt.

  • crystalohlm says:

    I will take my new age/Spiritualist beliefs over my Catholic-dogma-upbringing beliefs any day! As it being “too good to be true,” for me, it is good, and it is true!

  • Frou Frou says:

    i certainly dont think the world is “so great and cool”
    but its true,most people, do make their own lives worse, when they coudl make them better

    we humans are our own worst enemies

    just because things are ‘meant to be’ doesnt mean it only signifies good, life is good and bad
    its meant to be both good and bad

    i do know that our own way of thinking, looking at and dealing with things affects our life, its psychology, not new age, unless you think psychologists are new age

  • SageKing says:

    New Age spirituality falters where charismatic Christianity does. They tell you that you are supposed to be perfect – not because we were healed by Jesus’ stripes, but because the system of “attraction” works like mathematics – it is just inevitable that you will receive all you ask for. New Age spirituality tends to be cultic for this very purpose – that they talk of perfection when they certainly ARE NOT!

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