original purpose is fully solved.No need to relaunch expensive media campaigns in the new name/brand. You can continue to display your old and trusted Company name but still enjoy all the new benefits ! Yes, you can eat the cake and have it too !
In fact, in my method of NewAge Kabbalah Numerology, there is absolutely no need to announce the name change at all. That way, you get to save a lot of good money wasted on re-advertising.
Is it possible to do Name Energy Correction for my whole family through a single Crystal Energy Field ?
Yes, it is possible to undertake the Name Energy Correction of a whole family in a single Crystal Energy Field through the Advanced Versions of NewAge Kabbalah Numerology. For example, in Advanced Version II, it is possible to accomodate 8 members of the same family whereas in Advanced Version III, as many as 12 members can be counted in. In fact in these Advanced Versions, what is being done is much more than Name Correction, it is Personal Energy Correction itself. And in Advanced Versions 6 and 9, much more benefits like Business Energy Correction are possible. Browse my website http://www.newage-kabbalah-numerology.com for more details.
So now, does Numerology really work ?
Yes, but only if properly Custom Programmed Energy Tools (like Crystal Energy Fields) are used to transmit the Name Vibrations.
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