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nightclubs), there are also many more potential retail consumers who will not.

And, these particular consumers are the ones who either go to music retailers weekly for new releases and spend additional time browsing, or they may be consumers who are simply weekly browsers seeking the new, unique and creative ‘next big thing’.

In either case, for the consumers who espy your CD in their favorite music retail stores…does your cover jump out at them visually, make an immediate impact, and cause them to do a ‘double take’?

Does it then make them pick up a copy of your release, maintain their interest and force them to read your credits and song titles?

Subsequently, does it then drive them to a listening station for further review and, hopefully, purchasing it?

Or, will they simply look at, yet, another boring cover and go, “Eh,” and replace it for your competitor’s that is far more visually attractive, and your competitor’s who may also have read this particular article, with one exception…he acted on this information while you did not? 🙂


Now, get a copy of your CD and take a look at it…I mean take a *really* good look at it. Then, using the radio, press and consumer theoretical perspectives above, honestly ask yourself if your cover has visually maximized its full potential.

Does it readily subscribe to the old U. S. Army slogan, “Be all you can be?” Is it, truly, all that it can be? Is it the best possible cover that you could ever hope for with this release?

Or, do you realize for the first time that you have both shortchanged yourself and your release, and that your cover is probably causing you to lose some significant sales, as it could, indeed, be presented

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