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Question by Ericelephant: Does your first time have to be magical?
I had sex with a girl in high school and I just recently had sex with my guy neighbor! Both times it wasn’t really magical. Losing my heterosexual and homosexual virginity wasn’t as I had pictured it. Is this normal? Share your stories about your first itme. Was it special or romantic?

Best answer:

Answer by Beez
I’ve never heard of fireworks going off at anyone’s first time. Please use protection.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

5 Responses to Does your first time have to be magical?

  • j w says:

    i couldnt tell how old you are, but you sound like you are still too imature to handle feelings associated with sex….dont engage in sex for at least 3 more years..

  • Sunshine says:

    My first time I was beaten and raped so it was in no way magical. If you are with the right person though it can be a very magical moment. I was married for 35 years and never had a magical moment. Then he walked out on me. Then I decided to sleep with a woman. I finally had my magical moment. I was Gay and didn’t even realize it. We have many magical moments now. So wait until your eyes meet and their are sparks. That is the start of a magical moment. Hope you experience it soon.

  • so sick of being broke says:

    Yes, my first time was magical. I waited until I was ready and I lost it to the guy I eventually married. Although it gets more magical as the years go by. I think the more comfortable I am in my own body the more free I feel to let go and enjoy the ride.

  • kerrie dillon babe#1 says:

    no, but the next time should cause your more relaxed

  • Max says:

    I don’t think the first time is never magical like we see and read about it on the movies or novels. So don’t worry. My first time with a girl was not magical and I recently lost my homsexual virginity and it was not what I wanted it at all!!!

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