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usually a pinky’s reach away along with my Holy Wrath and I keep in mind there are fights it is necessary to use them. Clicking diverts your attention know where your keys are, and don’t get caught standing in purple stuff, red stuff, brown stuff, orange stuff, cold stuff, or any kind of stuff that you could possibly be standing in that will hurt, maim, or kill you. Mouse overs combines with Grid, Heal Bot, VuhDu etc. are a win.

….Who shows up to raid with no Symbols. That’s kings or divinity as a matter of fact don’t show up with out buff food, flasks, gems, chants or anything else that will give you a competitive advantage to help your guild progress.  I know in our guild if you show without gems in a new piece of gear our raid leader will sit you.

….Who doesn’t understand the effects of Hand of Sacrifice. HOS is a great tool in fact I have a macro that is set to automatically blow it every time I bubble its on a 2 minute cool down while the bubble is 5 minutes.  HoS is not to be used lightly I laughed so hard to see a holy pally try to figure out its use only to realize that 30% of the tanks health was a large chunk of his own.  HoS is great when combined with the bubble, but is fail in the hands of a healer who cant figure out its proper use.

….Who wants to impress the DPS. You are a healer it is your role, you keep people alive.  Yes we all want to do some damage and I am not saying do your part, but know the encounter as Matt Low described if the mobs like to whirlwind and your up dropping consecration and doing melee while you heal then your face shall meet the floor my friend.  Not to mention healers can pull a decent amount of aggro from

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