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Dragon Age Origins: Spell Combinations of an Archmage

This video demonstrates how to cast, and effectively employ, all ten of the spell combinations in Dragon Age: Origins, which can be devastating even on Nightmare Difficulty. The main character is a mage with a whole bunch of unused Spell points (yes, the same one in my Fade Run walkthrough videos) and a total Spellpower of 59, which is used to cast all the spells in this video. The video starts with a tour of her gear, then goes into the spell combinations proper (video time 00:50). Note that all of these combos are quicker to unleash with 2-3 mages working together, though for simplicity’s sake, I have used only the main character in this video. Each segment showcases 2-3 spell combinations, and how they work. The location is the Ransom Drop in Denerim (the final mission given by Master Ignacio), and that particular fight can be a real pain on Nightmare Difficulty. Fortunately, these combos will help. Segments start paused, with each chosen spell on the quickbar highlighted to show its description: these will be used to unleash the spell combos in that segment. The most useful of the whole series is Paralysis Explosion, which paralyses everything in a huge radius for a very long time. Perfect for getting in free hits, or unleashing a potent barrage of spells on your helpless foes! Better yet, it takes a very short time to cast. The only caveat is to be careful not to get caught in your Paralysis Explosion yourself! The first segment shows the archmage starting out with
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Love spells that work immediately? Learn how magick love spells really work

Article by Carlos Flores

When a problem arises, we tend to look for an immediate solution. In many cases, spells can achieve that. But it all depends on the difficulty of their task.

A spell can make a friend call you within only a few minutes, hours or the next day. On the other hand, if a person is disgusted with you, it would take a few more days. In most cases, a reconciliation spell would be the best way to go first.

Love Magick would usually be done to make a person who rejects or ignores you fall in love with you. Or to get an ex lover with whom you ended in bad terms back. In such cases, magick love spells are not very likely to work instantly and may take around 10 days or up to 3 weeks.

The way love magick works is by changing a person’s mind about you, to which there will be some resistance depending on your relationship with him or her, or coordinating events for you to couple, depending what kind of love spell was done. It is impossible for all this to take place from one second to another. It takes various days.

What if magick love spells do not work after 3 weeks? Odds are they will not work. This is even stated in various magickal books such as “Everyday Magick: Spells and Rituals for Modern Living” by Dorothy Morrison. Many people do not know this and wait months or years for their spell to work. They are only losing valuable time.

If magick love spells would take an extensive amount of time to work out, they would not even exist in the first place. Or no one would ever think on using one.

There are certain factors that can speed up love magick. A few of them are

-Moon phases (waxing, full, waning or dark)
-Sun phases (sunrise, morning, noon, afternoon or sunset)
-Wind direction (north, east, south or west)
-Days of the week
-Hours of the day

Though, some of them may take a lot of time to come by. But love magick can be done at any moment and it will still work out perfectly.

There are few love spells that work immediately. However, that probably means the other person was already thinking in some way to couple with you, but the situation never presented and the spell pushed things forward.

The timeline for results can be estimated by evaluating your love issue. Are there few or many obstacles to get what you want? How big are they?

Even if love magick is speed up by taking advantage of moon/sun phases, wind direction, etc., it rarely works immediately but in various days. If magick love spells do not work in 3 weeks, chances are it will not work at all. The love spell you have done must be the most adequate for your situation or else that may be a reason for it to take more time to work than needed.

To have a love spell performed by expert spell casters, visit:
Urgent Love Magick

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