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Dreams: A Bridge To The Otherworld Activity of Supreme Significance!

MODE Of Cosmic Therapy: The Esoteric Study of Dreams

Dreams are as centrally exposed and driven as you make them. Either they’re important or they’re not.It’s your night of esoteric surrender. However, dreams do mean different things to different people, depending upon the relevance one places on the content. If you are not interested in investing the time to study, energy to accrue the relative symbolism and most emphatically, simply can’t relate to the messages offered, considering them to be a bunch of hodge-podge nonsense, then that’s precisely what they are. Unless you first acknowledge a possible significance dreams may contain, the idea of receiving anything especially applicable in them in pretty minuscule.

In driving the point home relentlessly, that ‘everything in life is connected’, how could it be possible that dreams are unimportant? Isn’t it a scientifically studied verifiable fact, without them we’d all go stark raving crazy? [On that note alone, dreams seem pretty essential to me!] Dreams contain numerous themes in shape, color, sound, taste, sight, scent, and ‘feeling’. It could be worth your time to investigate the esoteric weight lodged in dreams to help better understand the activities of your days.

But, like every other segment presented in MODE Of Cosmic Therapy, the dream’s insight metamorphosis can only be as valid as you deem it to be. Esoteric information takes the shape of whatever dragon or saint you choose. That’s your call. As always, unless the information presented brings benefit, is applicable, practical, fun, and productive it some manner, toss it aside.

We will start with something as simple as:


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