Gather around one and all. Witness the amazing Dusty Peacock attempt the magic fire walk. With nothing between Dusty’s feet and the scorching hot coals can he break Scott Bell’s world record or is this another dream that will go up in flames. Tune in and feel the heat. Gary Valentine (The King of Queens) is Dusty Peacock, a daredevil whose goals far exceed his abilities. Struggling to perform that one stunt that will thrill America and solidify his fame, hes incapable of getting himself together. More Dusty Peacock? Free TV & Movies: tags: The Magic Fire Walk Dusty Peacock Kevin James hot coals burn flame mediatate Guinness World Records daredevil houdini magic stunt escape trick gary valentine melissa peterman nick turturro bas rutten nick batay michael burton steffiana de la cruz mockumentary documentary
The Magic of the Wizard’s Dream, released in 2005, is Rhapsody’s fourth single. The song featured Christopher Lee and Fabio Lione singing a duet. In those silent shades of grey I will find a place to escape the endless night to find a new sun I know which is my fate bond to Erian’s old tale I’ll be always there fighting the ancient sin Moon shine in this eternal night ANGELS ARE CALLING FROM DIVINE LOST CRYSTAL REALMS RIDING FROM HEAVEN FOR THE MAGIC OF THE WIZARD’S DREAM In the misty lights of dawn between heart and soul Elgard’s calling for new hope to avoid our fall I know which is my fate bond to Erian’s old tale I’ll be always there fighting the ancient sin Moon shine in this eternal night ANGELS ARE CALLING FROM DIVINE LOST CRYSTAL REALMS RIDING FROM HEAVEN FOR THE MAGIC OF THE WIZARD’S DREAM
Video Rating: 4 / 5
@zekechap you will come to power in your own toilet, that is your dimension and your kingdom!
@ghida44 hahaha you strange little man, when i come to power, i will keep you as my house pet, your slave name is jinal
@NorthernKnight1000 is not lee, I think is fabio
Those notes the Lee is hitting at 3:20 is just plain awesome.
Simplemente genial
@wilky1189 No, Wierd Al looks like Fabio
are you somehow surprised?
@MrLordoffantasy are you someway supprised?
Ooooo Diosssss! O.o Lloro por escucharlosss.