Shamen was astral projection, or out-of -body travel, where they would project themselves into the spirit or real world to accomplish integration of their clients. This happens spontaneously in meditation which is a training in Integration. For thousands of years Shamen and the Enlightened have helped their clients in the field of healing and Personality Integration. Many Split patients have had out-of-body experiences, often at the time of childhood abuse, as a means of psychic escape but also as the first stage of attempting to heal the personality split. Sometimes they spontaneously succeed in healing themselves but often further help and training is needed. Chiron the wounded healer is the symbol of this process. Usually it is only the wounded healer who has been healed, who knows the process to heal others.
Transformation of Identity– During the possession state of trance, the shaman became reciprocally identified with the possessing spirit in a manner analogous to alter switching in Split patients, but Shamen always returned consciously to their main, Soul Personality. They have this ability not to get lost by having already integrated their Personalities which have then become more strong than the average personality. Split people are always lost.
An example of the training given to Shamen is available in a 5000 years old text called, “The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.” In there a meditational methodology for integration with the soul has been extant for millennia. However, always the Guru Shaman who has walked the path was considered essential to the process of soul integration.
As can be seen from this list of correspondences, there is much commonality between the “professionally” achieved and culturally approved