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Electronic Readers ? The New Age Reading Device

If the writers of yore ever happened to come back, they would be surprised to see that the very basics of reading a book has undergone a sea change, so that now we don’t see readers going along carrying a paperback with them. Instead what they have are sleek handy devices with a screen through which readers read the pages of the book. And it’s not just one two or a few hundred e-books that each of these e-book readers is able to carry. Rather the storage capacity of these new age electronic readers can be measured in terms of thousands of e-books. Take for instance, the Kindle DX, which is equipped with a 3.3GB of usable internal memory that can store as many as 3500 e-books.

Not for nothing has there been an exponential growth in the demand for e-book readers, for they are not just portable electronic machines that provides one with a convenient alternative to reading a real book. The fact is, they are much more than that – so much that you will wonder as to how you ever managed without these all along. And perhaps the best thing is they are perfectly safe for your eyes, thanks to the revolutionary new e-ink technology that can make the display look exactly as if you are looking at a real page. You will be just as comfortable reading from an e-book reader in bright sunlight as you would in darkness. In fact, so good it is you will really have to see it to believe it. You can learn more about this as well as a lot of other things related to e-book readers from ereader blog .

A good thing with these electronic readers is that they can be compact and light

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