A Lvl. 60 elemental orc shaman. Talent Tree setup is 33/0/18. Way before expansion came out. Gets X-tream Crits!! -Enjoy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Song list (In Order): Marilyn Manson-Seizure of Power X-Ray Dog – Elimination Game X-Ray Dog – Voices of War X-Ray Dog – Imperial Force thnx to Thebigcheeseshaggy and SH4DES1 for the songs! THNX GUIZ!
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Video Rating: 4 / 5
You have just chaîn lightning … Not so hard
@thakebabich It was a trash mob ^^
@xPlottzx noob…….
this video is SO old school!
@xPlottzx wow can he kill lvl 40 in BG ? EVEN IF HES 60… and they are all lvl 60 even at the end the guy is like lvl 200 xD
@Rovdyret89 If you think it was so bad. – try to join the server I linked today!
Atm, we are working on our new pre TBC private server! 1x droprate, 1x rep, 1x dmg/stats – And 95% of whole server are working!
D1 is starting gear, and we even do weekly events!
Do you feel like you want that?
Then join us at boneshatter[DOT]servegame[DOT]org
The server are still new, but we got over 70 registrered accounts, and 20 active players(Server opened 2 days ago my friends!)
Join us now, and make pre bc alive again !
haha I love in the end when he take aggro on a BWL boss with hes crazy dps xD So imba lol
Lol its funny when someone makes a vid and everyone tears him apart beacause of the way he plays if you don’t like his style then don’t watch….
ur killing lowbies..
ur lvl 60 and ur killing 40 lvls
@thakebabich dont be childish, he srsly doesnt play well, but he got the right equipp
he doenst play well
Hello geeks
this is a really good combo ele and resto crit heals nd crit damage!!!
deine rotation ist schlecht aber deine krits sind geil…
Ah yes the good old days =) Thanks for posting this =) Loved it back when I saw it the first time, love it now. Takes me back…
hell ya this was when the game was at its best not now its so dum cus they try and balance it so much they mess t up the hole game
this vid is fucking great.
U guys have no idea how pre bc was.
@maumau47 I meant early WotLK.
@kyleclol So you mean that it was like the start of WotLK where people had somewhat equal gear (level-gear, maybe a few heroic-pieces)? If so then yea, sounds nicer than what it’s like now. (I’ll admit that I didn’t play in vanilla, I hit 70 mid-tbc, the week when Isle of Quel’Danas was released).
@maumau47 because it was new, not drawn out yet. and no one could 2 shot anyone, in fact fights were longer then. This could only be done by a few classes, and it required gear that was rare and very hard to get. The game wasnt as bursty and random as it is today.