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A Lvl. 60 elemental orc shaman. Talent Tree setup is 33/0/18. Way before expansion came out. Gets X-tream Crits!! -Enjoy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Song list (In Order): Marilyn Manson-Seizure of Power X-Ray Dog – Elimination Game X-Ray Dog – Voices of War X-Ray Dog – Imperial Force thnx to Thebigcheeseshaggy and SH4DES1 for the songs! THNX GUIZ! 🙂
Video Rating: 4 / 5

READ THE INFO HERE!!!!! Don’t forget to press the HD button for high quality stream – its worth it! NOTE – this is for ENTERTAINMENT – if you don’t like it, press back and watch something else. PVP 1: PVP 2: PVP 3: PVP 4:…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

50 Responses to Elemental Shaman PvP..Ownage!!!

  • F0ck93 says:

    What Weapon Enhance you use in PvP? Windfury and Frostbrand?

  • lethalbee says:

    I’ve read that dual wield is better than 2h-weapons when using windfury. Could there be any truth to that?

  • Zaneta0205 says:

    I see new spells ?

  • Alesterlol says:

    @ricky08dline u just need to L2P

  • trolladz says:

    why u female now……?

  • 0uas says:

    how is it possible for mail and leather to have the same amount of stamina on it but plate have so much more on it, That makes not like the way blizzard was treating shamans and all the other little things just made me quit the game, sure I have other classes, but this is my favorite and they know they kind ruined it.

  • sumsar01 says:

    @ricky08dline well theres a lot more dmg flying round the map now than there was then

  • Rohrbachc1 says:

    Dude are you on Bonechewer!?! Bc i swear i pvped with you at one point some time ago on my priest Shadowbringr. It was just you, me, and maybe some1 else fighting off like 7 or 8 alliance and we whooped their ass in AB. Does an undead priest with only heroic and naxx gear ring a bell?

  • suckerpunchd says:

    Can you please tell me your addons?

  • Knowledge0Master says:

    You kick ass =O,

  • mattroguesmith says:

    @ricky08dline Well, lots has changed, but believe me it took me hundreds of hours of pvp to learn how to survive better as enhance – they are extremely unforgiving compared to say a rogue.

    I did learn very quickly that totems make a massive difference for survival, and I also learned that you out range them all the damn time. This is what got me into UI mods so I could track everything.

    I also tended to use my maelstrom weapon procs for heals, and I tried all sorts of weapon imbue combos

  • mattroguesmith says:

    @ricky08dline But… I also gave up and rerolled warrior, so hate to say it but enhance is still the glass cannon – and with resilience as it is now, its not much of a cannon. I occasionally go back to my shaman & use pvp gear (1k res) and I still die fast compared to all my other classes.

    I’ve a paladin – this is the easiest and hardest to kill class I have
    Druid – not bad, but not many tools
    Warrior – pretty good survival
    Rogue – easy to kill, LOTS of get of jail cards
    Hunter – ownage in BGs.

  • ricky08dline says:

    I’m a little frustrated after watching this. You use PvE gear in PvP, as do I, yet you hit so much harder than I do AND you have much better survivability than I do. So either something has changed during the patches between when this vid was made and now, or ICC gear is no where near as good as Uld gear in terms of PvP. Any answers from other fans?

  • lorenzotjhee says:

    2h or Dual Wield?

  • MrAman47 says:

    on the trollbane server I forgot 🙂

  • MrAman47 says:

    realy good 😀 I have a enh shamy too 😀 check out “stotigromova” on the EU servers 🙂

  • Kalomtar says:

    I like dual wield enhan better :/

  • seanywhales says:

    Ur the reason I’m lvling an enhance shaman

  • Deathshift1 says:

    rammstein ftw

  • DarkPassion3000 says:

    Feur Frei!

  • zXxSinDitxXz says:

    Ele shamans all the way. For me personally.

  • elementalist92 says:

    Music might need abit more variaty( i mean two ramstein songs in a raw?:P), some more 1v1 or you vs multible, but not the worst video ive seen, so aint gonne downrate it

  • TheWhyTIFY says:

    can any1 plz tell me what the name of the thing there says: windfurry doubble crit 10721 (really wont it)

  • topituulensuu says:

    This might be a noob question, but what addon changes wow’s SCT font like that? I have tryed everything.. well… SCT and MSCT, but neither actually change the damage output of WoW’s SCT

  • WXZ20 says:

    @SuperLKL jop Enha totally Owns Eles ele cant cast single chain or lava on them just drop grounding and interrupt chain and they are unable to do to you better dmg than FS or Rocket from hands or similiar effects

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