Princess of Swords bringing together spirit and matter, the removal of energy blockages has created something new which can channel the light onto the earth and cosmic idea-impulses, thoughtforms, become visible to everyone and permeate everything with their divine quality. The true healing of you, and the earth itself!!”
The explanation of the Princess of Swords above comes from the Thoth Tarot which encodes Alchemical information in every one of its Tarot Cards!!
Alchemical techniques of meditation symbolized in the Tarot Cards of the Thoth pack show how to easily transmute all negative energy without going anywhere near the emotions and memory!! The buddhafield of energy, in which evolutionary progress can quickly be made, and kundalini energy are absolutely necessary to any course of meditation.
The Princess of Swords symbolizes the way of the energies of the Universe and shows ancient and hidden techniques preserved in Taoism and Hindu Kundalini Kriyas. It is the most gentle and effective tool for all those who want to increase their energy, their evolution, their genius.
Also Ancient Egyptian spiritual technology – The Alchemical Meditations of Hermes Trismegistus from the Emerald tablet, and of Alchemical VITRIOL, a Latin word meaning “Acid” which dissolves all negative emotions and “Anger” symbolising the removal of all trauma and negative emotion through, “Drain the Last Dregs of your Vitriol!.”
The same energy circulation meditation… from the Alchemical Sufi Dun Nun, “the Egyptian”, he who took, “The Path of Blame” symbolized by the Sufi Naqsbandi Fountain at the Alhambra at Granada in Spain.
The same meditations… The Five Elemental Paths of the Qi of Chinese Alchemical Taoism and the