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Watch in High quality! Songlist: 1. Gladiator – The Battle 2. Dope – Die Mutherfucker 3. Slipknot – Surfacing/Fuck This World Addons used: “ag_unitframes” for the party interface etc “dominos” for the UI “ShamanFriend” for the WF counter “ShockAndAwe” for the WF timer “TotemTimers” for totem timers Software used: “Fraps” for the filming “Sony Vegas Movie Studio” for the editing Oh and btw, it’s a shame my windfury dmg doesn’t show up with all the other yellow dmg, so try to follow the white windfury procs that show up below my character 🙂 If you fail and don’t understand that the enhancement shamans’ dmg while wielding 2 x 1H weps is all about RNG, WF procs and tons of small, stable hits/crits instead of a few high crits, dont bother commenting, ’cause then you’ve got it all wrong 😉 Keep in mind that this video was shot 1 month after WOTLK release, and that my gear at that time was worse than my present gear Armory link to my shaman Whoppie: This is a PvP movie set together with clips from random battlegrounds. Some might say they can do alot better, and i totally agree; as I said, the clips in this movie are taken from random battlegrounds after each other, not carefully handpicked after several days of play. It is not supposed to show exceptional skilled gameplay, but how much burst dmg Enhancement Shamans actually are able to do. You’ll see me hitting cloth, leather, mail, plate and a moonkin 🙂
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to Enhancement Shaman lvl 80 PvP

  • JayxxKyd432 says:

    @enjoyingftw hey it doesnt matter about what rogues use cause thats wat there made for; almost like assassin you just have to get through it. but yeah im going to make my main a Shammy also but i dont no whether to make it enhancement or Elemental….lol

  • enjoyingftw says:

    stfu about clicker… >_> if you wanna cry about clicking then look at rogue’s all you see is that they keep bashing sinister strike and the’re stunn spells… nice vid mate =] really liked it… when i pvp with my shaman i always love to see how people wipe at windfury effect =D

  • Flippyy1 says:

    @Elvexman13 yes, it does…

  • fallensoldier5473 says:

    @Cruelsham dude its awsome how u say that but you dont have any vids

  • unproctology says:

    lol clicker lol

  • xmarko97 says:

    the song title?

  • Cruelsham says:

    Hello, awesome video man! I bow before you hat … If I ask could People What you’ve read my coment,if so, the you please look at my video:)I wonder your opinion on my video (shaman enhancement).. Thanks in advance!

  • ellegurra says:

    @cjyounggg Retail wow? xD

  • Insany92 says:

    He just dies all the time ?

  • zack616 says:

    name of this song

  • Thebetamasterxx12AMV says:

    some of the top players are clickers you cant have everything as a keybinding.. Ftw clickers Ftw Keybinds its not that big

  • ResponseToVideos says:

    why does everyone play horde? I think ally are ass kickin to

  • Robob1884 says:

    it does matter u cant circle strike while clicking

  • wehavebiscuits says:

    God, tauren look so awesome. Wish I could look like one but keep my orc racials.

    I guess for a pure pvp shaman tauren racials aren’t that bad though, although I also pve.

  • wehavebiscuits says:

    You kidding? Who wants to be good in a fantasy game? Controlling vast armies of big foul demons, or some paladin hero-wannabe boy-scout?

  • guitarlove100 says:

    There’s nothing wrong with being a clicker. But your not gonna be able to play aswell as a non clicker in pvp.

  • Litt1eG says:


  • bbggqq says:

    what is wrong with clicking??LOL ??

  • Humance says:

    What’s the addon that show u when maestrom is ready?

  • Herringish says:

    @MrCiller Do you really think the Horde is fully evil and the Alliance is fully good? You should really check your knowledge in Warcraft lore

  • MrCiller says:

    Nice choice on Slipknot’s surfacing 🙂
    Bad choice on horde. >:(
    For the Alliance!!
    Fuck the evil horde.

  • Koenraad55 says:

    @Elvexman13 in PvP yes it does.. unless you wanna be a PvE dragon slaying easy mode guy…. then you can click

  • tevezfan1689234 says:

    cool vid man =P

  • dar709 says:

    elemental is better dps.

  • glassbowls says:

    @xxsnipehshotxx elemental becuz you can do dual spec elemental/resto. enhancement is very pathetic in pvp if you like dying alot and getting gimped go enhancement. your best bet is prob resto though. but you can use resto and elemental gear for both specs.

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