Holding the ‘shift’ key while levitating an object will allow the player to move the object around in 3d space. The WASD keys affect the x and y coordinates while the mousewheel moves the object along the z-axis. Releasing shift puts the object back in standard levitate-mode and re-binds the WASD keys for movement. Enyara – UT2K4 TC Mod enyara.plentz.net

Just some fun with a spell I’m working on.
did you make that spell.
so are you saying we could make our own spell like that
howd you get that armour at the begginning?
It’s just a spell that uses the function setposition to lift the player to a predetermined height. Once at that height you just level off until the spell timer runs out.
w00t! First comment! How’d you do that anyway? The “sky’s limit” thing? Awesome nonetheless! 5*!