man’s own self is his friend./ A man’s own self is his foe.” o BHAGAVAD GITA –”Abandon all supports and look to me for protection. I shall purify you from the sins of the past; do not grieve.”
o BHAGAVAD GITA –”As the heat of a fire reduces wood to ashes, the fire of knowledge burns to ashes all karma Nothing in this world purifies like spiritual wisdom. It is the perfection achieved in time through the path of yoga, the path which leads to the Self within.”
o BHAGAVAD GITA –”Even those men, who, with a steady and devout mind, always follow My doctrine, are freed from the binding effect of all actions.”
o BHAGAVAD GITA –”Him the sages call wise whose undertakings are devoid of desire for results and of plans, whose actions are burned by the fire of wisdom.”
o BHAGAVAD GITA –”It is through action without attachment alone that Janaka and other wise men reached perfection.”
o BHAGAVAD GITA –”Know that knowledge to be Sattvica, by which is seen in all beings the One Immutable, inseparate in the separate. But the knowledge which sees in all beings the distinct entities of diverse kind as different from one another, know that knowledge to be Rajasica. While that knowledge which is confined to one single effect, as if it were the whole, without reason, not founded on truth, and trivial, that is declared to be Tamasica.”
o BHAGAVAD GITA –”Not by abstention from actions does a person attain freedom from action, and not by renunciation alone does one approach perfection. No one even for an instant can ever stay actionless. Everyone must perform action unwillingly by the qualities born of nature… You do controlled action. Action is better than inaction. Even your body maintenance could not be accomplished without action. Aside from action for
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