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“Hymn To Aten (which greatly influenced Psalm 104)” you will learn that Akhenaten worshipped the Sun who lived during the day and who “died” at night (even or evening). The Sun was then “Born Again” the next morning.

Now read John 3:1-3 again. Nicodemus came to Jesus at or by “night”. Jesus began talking to Nicodemus about being “born again”. This was the reference of Rebirth or a New Age of the Sun. The Bible definitely supports what I just typed. When Jesus “rose from the dead (ReBirth)”, the Bible described this as the Rising of the “Sun (Mark 16:2; Malachi 4:1-8).

The idea is that the Moon’s Light Presence during the Evening (night) would “make things Even with God”. The Moon (God Baal) would Baal ance or Balance the sins of planet Earth (Revelation 6:5).

Jesus’ first Coming was the “Day Light”. Jesus Second Coming would be the evening (even) or the night (John 12:35) where the Angels accompanied Jesus. These Angels who Co-Judge and “eat flesh” during the Day of the Lord (Revelation 19:9, 17-21).

Notice how Jesus was in the Temple (Holy City) during the Day, but was in the Mountain (Luke 21:37-God’s Warship (Worship)-Mount Zion-Hebrews 12:22; Galatians 4:24-26).

6B) The Door (Mark 13:28-32)-Anpu (Anupis) is the Wolf-Jackal-Dog who is the traveler and the porter (Door Keeper) of the “world of the dead”. This world is called Nether (Exodus 19:17), Hallow/Hollow (Matthew 6:9-13), the Bottomless Pit (Revelation 9:1-end) and many other names. Notice the worlds “door”, “porter” and “wolf” at John Chapter 10. Once again we can see Egypt’s influence on the Holy Bible and Jesus (Ex

Gary Colin is Author of, “Bible Symbolism What It Means To Your Salvation (ISBN 1-4241-0152-2)”  

In this video I discuss the first book I ever wrote, “Marie’s Book of Spells.” If you’d be interested in reading it FOR FREE click the following link. Reviews on GoodReads are always appreciated!
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