www.euronews.net Young widower Kipp – played by Daniel Radcliffe – is asked to look into the legal affairs of the recently deceased owner of Eel Marsh House. He discovers a dark family secret that helps explain the appearance of a mysterious phantom dressed in black.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

Buy Jeff Beck’s “Rock and Roll Party” honoring Les Paul with the Imelda May Band DVD here www.amazon.com It’s just as great as being there! Imelda May is from Ireland and one sexy sultry singer in this video. Her husband Darrel Higham is playing rhythm guitar in the background and singing vocals with Imelda on “Casting My Spell On You”. Jeff Beck en.wikipedia.org Sexy and Sultry Irish Goddess Imelda May en.wikipedia.org Darrel Higham en.wikipedia.org The Shangri-La’s en.wikipedia.org Johnny Otis and Marci Lee-Casting My Spell On You (1959) Johnny Otis en.wikipedia.org
Video Rating: 4 / 5
A Mastepiece NLP Audio Earthshaking Package – High Converting
Six Subliminal NLP Self-improvement Audios Will Help You To Overcome Your Problem Areas, Depression, Slow Reading, Loss Of Focus And Concentration, Creative Thinking, Memory, Public Speaking. Love You Physical Self With These Powerful Subliminal Audios.
A Mastepiece NLP Audio Earthshaking Package – High Converting
@Corruptedxxx thanks, I just sprayed? my dr. pepper all over my monitor!!!! lmfao
same here :-))
NOW I know where Jim Henson? got his inspiration from for Zoot (the Muppets’s Sax Player)!!
A Truly? wonderful representation of a late fifties torch singer. I love it.
on another note i love how? her man keeps looking at her while they sing it’s adorable
a legendary? guitarist + beautiful sultry jazzy rock n’ roll woman = Heaven
@Corruptedxxx Blue? Lou Marini.
This is so? elegant mates, pure rock an roll, I like so much!!!!
3 dislike? whomever click that dislike button i will remove their? entire spinal chord alive!!!!!
albert einstein? on the far right?
Imelda is so good and SO smokin’? hot! Jeff is a GOD as well!
Me too! Chills down my spine… Who’s Imelda May??
her right side reminds of alicia keys (don’t know? if i spelled her name right)
This was just amazing. The goosebumps never stopped as I watched this!!!?
The soulful guitar of Jeff Beck combined with the heart wrenching performance of Imelda, is a match? made in rock and roll heaven! Simply awesome.
Two artists at the absolute? peak of their craft. Hard to believe that Beck is 66 years old here. I guess brilliant music keeps you young.
@Amhlair Yeah! Now? it’s cooler!!
@Eden241991 That’s my home boy Lou Marini from Denton, Texas. Recognize him? from the Blues Brothers movie?
Thank? you Jeff for introducing me to the music of Imelda May!!!!
Albert? Einstein reborn to play sax here! Cool!!!