Exploring the Pagan Path
"With a plethora of mediocre ‘101’ books on the market, it’s refreshing to find a pragmatic, knowledgeable collection of articles from respected members of the community." ?Patricia Telesco, Author of Which Witch is Which and Kitchen Witch’s Guide to Divination "This is an essential book, not just for the beginner but also for those who wish to broaden their practice by looking at the views of other practitioners of neo-paganism." ?Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone, Lecturers and Authors of Progressive Witchcraft and A Witches’ Bible Exploring the Pagan Path offers you the combined wisdom of Pagans who have been around for decades. The authors? background and experience encompass various Pagan traditions including Witchcraft, Druidry, Norse paths, Shamanism, and more. Together, they write for the seeker looking for a mentor along their journey. A teacher who can help them find their path, begin their journey, and provide them with clarity when they?ve lost their way. The book is divided into three main parts: Explore?Your first lessons. Topics covered include a basic understanding of Paganism, what it means to walk the path, and learning how to make your own personal connections. This section also gives guidance on figuring out your tradition and beginning your journey. Learn?Workings. Topics covered include the basics of ritual, tools and objects, personal ritual vs. group ritual, and family rites. Live?Bringing spirituality into your daily life. Topics include finding ritual in the mundane, sharing your spirituality with others, and building community.
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Price: 13.48

Being brought up in a time when old ways are often forgotten, 20th-century pagans can find themselves at a loss for traditional ce…