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itching, body sores, JIB sores, and cracked lips.

(2) Speed bumps become noticeable the instant the harmful substances penetrate the crystal meth user’s system.

(3) Some of the symptoms of crystal meth addiction include mental confusion, incapability to focus on the goals, hyper alertness, muscle spasms and muscle cramps.

(4) The effects of crystal meth are also visible through the crystal meth user’s eyes. The crystal meth user’s pupils become quite dilated and his eye movement becomes very rapid.

(5) A persistent ingestion of crystal meth leads to lightheadedness, blurred vision, and lack of coordination.

(6) An addiction to crystal meth may also cause health disorders such as liver failure, lung failure, kidney failure, cerebral toxicity, and a handful of serious heart-associated diseases such as congestive heart failure and myocardial infarction.

(7) Another possible effect of using crystal meth, even in trace amounts, is brain injury.

(8) Aside from the above mentioned physiological effects and probable health problems, crystal meth addiction may also cause the death of the user.

An addiction to crystal meth is totally curable when the proper treatments are performed. There are some residential and non-residential addiction treatment programs available for crystal meth users who are willing to be treated. These treatment services also include counseling. The treatment services include detoxifying the human body while the counseling proper involve encouraging the crystal meth user to give up his addiction. It is really important for the crystal meth user to get an adequate amount of love and support

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