Here is the final boss of the first Final Fantasy game. It’s the remake for PSX, Final Fantasy Origins. Really, at my current level, the fight wasn’t too hard. The game only has 50 levels, so 32ish/50 isn’t underleveled. I tried to stall the fight to make it more epic but that didn’t work for long. This is one of those fights you can’t stall forever without losing. In FFI, there’s no save point in dungeons, and due to the hideous lack of magic usage in the game, you can only heal yourself so many times before you’re out of MP and out of Potions, forcing you to leave. If anyones wondering, yes the remake OBVIOUSLY is graphical remake with remade music. The game was originally on the NES, what do you expect? But the sad news is, this is the last remake that honors the original FFI. All the newer remakes (GBA, PSP, etc) are all made about 5 times easier and changed too much. This is exactly the same as the original, minus the graphics and music, which don’t affect the actual gameplay. That in mind, this game will seem much less fun if you’re used to newer games. There’s not much to it, and you can beat it in a day easily if you know what you’re doing. But you have to keep an open mind if you play it and realize this was originally the first FF, which came out in the NES days. Anyway, enjoy. This is the only FFI video I recorded. I WANTED to record all the 4 fiend fights, but honestly it’s too much a pain in the ass to have to go through dungeons again just to record a boss …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
With the fall of the Roman Empire and the onset of the Dark Ages, and despite Church and States severe prosecution against magicians and wizards, magic and interest in the occult continued to be practiced by those who longed to empower themselves through will and desire to gain unsurpassable wisdom. These conjurers and alchemists hoped that their works would allow them a new perspective of the deepest depths of the divine reality and provide a means of traversing the spiritual realms of angels and demons. However, they had to practice their art in a way that the Church wouldnt object to, so they came up with Natural Magic (or white magic that was good and existent in all things natural), as opposed to Black Magic, which was the Devils work, and as such they would never do. Magical texts called Grimoires were used to conjure demons to do a wizards bidding. We have already seen in the earlier chapters how ritual magic was used to gain power over spiritual forces, thus the Grimoires were continuing the ancient tradition of empowerment through incantation. The Grimoires flourished between the 13th and 17th centuries, and were famous for containing spells that were devoted to achieving magical powers, health or the love of women. The Medieval Grimoires were crude and confusing books compared to the Classical grimoires of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. But luckily there existed more advanced Grimoires, thanks to the Arabian, Moorish and Hebrew mystery traditions. These …
for this game the best team is : 2 warrior and 2 red mage =) “1 boost with mage, 1steel with the first warrior, attack with the 2nd warrior, 1 steel with red mage and after 1 boost with red mage” After ” atack, atack and 2 x steel” <-- <3
Awesome game with an awesome soundtrack.
This game is hella awesome!
The nes version didn’t have this track lol
WOW….i thought the Flare Spell was like Godly. But now actually seeing it…like WTF is the use for it now?
dang man, now THATS the kinda “holy” im talkin bout
@payasitotibia NES, PlayStation, Game Boy Advance and PSP. Read the description to find out what version this is.
For what console is ?
@EmotionlessPerson The newer generation of gamers like to see fancy big numbers
Wow less than 5000 hp. That’s less hp than enemies in the current games!
man this stuff is real old wow 1990 and the game has improved over the years
i think your name is Kevin.
iPhone one is so easy it’s boring
Oh, I get it. In the original NES version I didn’t understand Garland’s plan, but this version explained it better. Now it makes sense to me.
Final Fantasy is the shit!! I have 1&2 (origins), 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. I’m getting 13 soon.
what final fantasy game i have to play to know whats going on i mean really story important games?
HOW MUCH GIL!!!!!?!?!?!?
@Bizkit047 i have no idea why this is bothering me so much, but WHATS THE INSIDE JOKE? is it just with your friends? i just wanna know.
“sorry, I can only hadoken once per day. Maybe if we head out to the inn in the meantime I can recharge it for the final boss”
I only played the GBA Version… and the one for GBA is easy as hell, really. Not even fun if you don’t try some kind of self imposed challenge, like a run with only Fighters. =_=
@cpillarie I agree
i think both are great. i dont ahv a SNES anymore, so when i bought this, it was like blast-from-the-past aweosmeness. i used to have FF1 for snes
I find it quite funny when the party just faceplants the stage after Chaos’ Twister attack…
the NES version was so much harder, i beat this one with no one ever dieing and in a very short time. But the nes one, is… just… epic.
(although the whole 1 battle theme thing was annoying. just one battle theme every 5 seconds *shivers*)
I’ve played the GBA version of FFI and it’s honestly not that bad. I think alot of people hate it just because it’s taking something old that veterans love, and trying to make it enjoyable for newbie gamers too.