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their monthly bills in full. Advice: You’ve heard of “saving up for a rainy day”…..well let the bank take care of that and invest into direct debit to help ease the pins and needles you go through each month with paying your bills.

Leo – poor PIN managers. Leos are at the bottom of the pile when it comes to managing the PINs for their plastic cards. They should try to use different numbers for their cards. Advice: Hey Leo…really I’m speaking to a human! I know your sign has the symbol as a lion but you have to take some responsibility and know all of the jungle can’t be at your feet in the real world. A little independence of handling things on your own will do you good.

Virgo – online-lovers. Virgos love to inspect their statements at least once a month, particularly online. They have a hoarding preference and shy away from shredding their financial documents.Advice: No information is safe these days, although you are always on top of all your money, read the fine print more often and investigate other options to saving money, I know it’s overwhelming sometimes….

Libra – financially slowest star sign. Librans demonstrate a distinct lack of interest and attention to detail when it comes to their financial management. They are slow to check their statements, and when they do get round to it, they are less likely to check the detail.

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