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Advice: Hey “YOU” Libra your life is a good one but can be turned upside down by being complacent… Make sure you don’t take your money for granted. THINK ahead and you’ll be fine.

Scorpio – debit card-lovers. Scorpios are the sign of the debit card, displaying a strong preference for this form of payment. They are financially savvy and diligent and are particularly inventive with their cards! Advice: Scorpio, just remember one thing…although money does come from trees…it doesn’t grow on trees. Although money comes from the virtual world…hence electronically.. it isn’t a bottomless pit. Be careful to look at your statments daily to keep track of what you spend.

Sagittarius – responsible yet financially disorganised. Sagittarians are not the most financially organised star sign, yet they are responsible when it comes to paying off their credit card bills and checking their statements. Advice: Just remember that although you may be optimistic about everything in life, the reality is that Money doen’t always just happen!!!! Try to budget a little more and aim for saving instead of spending. I know it’s hard, Sag.

Capricorn – financially astute. Financially responsible in most areas, Capricorns are the most financially astute when it comes to managing their finances. However, they let themselves downs when it comes to paying their credit card

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