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Finding Romance With Love Magick

Many of our faiths emphasize the fact that our thoughts have the powers to move mountains. We create our world by our thoughts. And if we do not think, but waste our time by letting others think for us, then our life will turn out to be very different from what we came to the earth to experience.

Actively creating our thoughts to align with our intentions will most certainly guarantee us a happy and prosperous life.

Love is the emotion that started the world. Love is what creates the most positive of ideas. Love is the main ingredient that we all need in our lives for a peaceful, joyous existence. Love can take many forms, love between mother and child, love between two people, love between an animal and a human being and so on.

A person is happiest when they are “in love”.

Most adults have known what it means to fall “head over heels” in love and to act silly in the presence of the one we are so “addicted to”. What exactly is love? It is an attraction on the spirit level, one that needs no explanation.

When we are in love, we are constantly thinking of each other. Suddenly everything we think of, see or smell takes on a new dimension. Music, food, conversations, prayers etc become more focused and intense and many new memories are formed, ones which will remain in our lives for a long time. A first love can never be forgotten.

In almost all cultures, people have prayers, spells, events and customs to attract love. The great classic of love, the Kama Sutra includes several love magick spells and rituals. Herbs, Aphrodisiacs, amulets and gems for attracting love and keeping it, etc are mentioned in this literary composition.

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