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Forgive Our Ignorance & Blindness

In some ways it seems as though we’re moving backwards and not forward; however, there are many signs of HOPE that we’re about to turn the corner and for the first time TRULY SEE the divinity throughout all of nature and in every being. But, in the meantime, forgive us of our ignorance and blindness.  

Why is it so hard to SEE that God is not limited or boxed in to any one religion?

The ego has taken WORDS and built walls around them, fortified these words with anger, and set a sentry at the gate to keep out all who disagree with the established doctrines of the castle (religion, denomination, etc.).

The word MINISTER was a VERB some 600+ years ago. It meant that you were a person who served, gave, and loved. Today, the word MINISTER has become a NOUN and definitive of a position: a lofty one at that! Christianity was established as a religion that followed a man named Jesus, who became the Christ. Unfortunately that religion became an exclusive club that set itself above all others.

Alvin Boyd Kuhn though writes, “Thousands of souls in the PAGAN world were on fire with the pure flame of divine passion of the Christly love centuries before Jesus ever lived.” How can that be? And how can he say that? One reason is because the word pagan which has now come to mean a heathen or unenlightened person (unlike us of course), originally simply meant someone who lived in the country as opposed to the city: a peasant.

But, who is the Christian?

Tom Harpur opens our eyes to that question when he writes, “Pagans who were persecuted, decried, killed, and ultimately utterly vanquished by the church, held views of the Christ within simply because they didn’t share the

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