by Michael Mifsud
A clouded vision of Templar heritage.
Few organizations in history, apart from the Knights Templar have been so praised and vilified with respect to their hidden hand in world destiny. If we had to choose the one which comes easily to mind, we would no doubt all call out “The Masons”. Trying to tie down either the Templars or the Masons at any point of their individual histories is a matter of complicated analysis. In some cases, highly dangerous, in view of the fringe fanatical element lying just beneath the surface of organizations that even today for better or for worse, are crowded with people of a very low threshold of critical acceptance. The reality of both these totally unrelated organizations is not difficult to expose, provided that the subject is not dealt with from a prejudicial standpoint.
The matter before us is the world of so called freemasonry and it should be stressed from the first instance that it has absolutely nothing to do with the Order of Knights Templar despite the inclination by many of its members to think that they inherited the Templar tradition, secrets (and for some), the Order itself. Neither has this social organization anything to do with builders or ancient history since despite the question of a so called seventeenth century “Freemason” called Ashmole, utilized as proof, to the point of desperation, what is now British Freemasonry is no older than the turn of the eighteenth century. Nor has the Scottish version anything to do with the Templaea either, however much smoke Scottish die hards throw at the cameras and against which they have not