the changes in Europe become evident. Such knowledge was to become the base for Templar creations like the universities of Bologna and Salamanca. The Jesuits who curiously share the same religious slogan as the Templars were undoubtedly the main instrument of response to Templar aspirations and like their mentors subjected themselves to Ishamaeli training in Alexandria as a basic initiation for their task in hand. This strange fact was publicly written on by the greatest etymologist of all times, the renowned Professor Higgins of the 19th. Century. The modern intelligence services are a product of the knowledge and even today retain aspects of training similar to that utilized by the hidden Hashishim Among other things, the Templar Lodges are also a product of that early training with the Ishmaeli love of the creation of illegal meeting places in the middle and face of enemy territory. The question of the Jesuit presence in the Templar Lodges, did not go unnoticed at the time by the erudite and conspirators as Benjamin Johnson noted in his diaries. In them he teases the Society of Jesus, with respect to the assiduous presence of its members in these places. Indeed, the very word lodge (logos) is derived from learning and knowledge and the name lodging houses passed on to posterity as such because of the tendency and need of scholars to live in the minute campus hidden in the back and upstairs rooms into which visitors with the passwords, were able to go. The Tiler or guardian of the secret door to whom these words had to be whispered is still there today in masonic lodges by the same name and in the same place. The Tiler relates to the black and white squares of the lodges and the chess tables on which much could be explained. For the would be