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least two Monsignors of the Catholic Church. The same in the cathedral of Santiago of Compostela, the valued shrine with the most significant Templar story to tell, where the Grand Master was invited to the altar by the most senior church figure in the region – hardly a recipe for denial and at which much mention was made about important Templar material hidden in cathedral crypts.

That the Knights Templar left a hidden tradition which exists even today, there is no doubt, since most of the aristocratic families of Europe including the Royal would never publicly deny the transmission and one of the most important edifices of Templar relationship – the Cistercian Order, has unimpeachable records that illustrate the tradition and its continuation with its Grandmasters throughout the centuries. In fact it does so with great pride and the reason for the masking of its presence by jealous or frightened entities, had a great deal to do with the Church and State which chose individually to deny anything that could harm their stake in power politics. Going to war against another nation would have been a little difficult without that total allegiance of its subjects to its identity and ambitions. Going to war as we know, became a favourite pastime of national entities with the help of its hapless unwilling subjects. The knights Templar would have found it difficult to do so in view of their oath to kill only the enemies of the faith and again only under very strict circumstances outlined by St. Bernard. In fact, if subjects bound under obedience to outside forces were allowed to assume the double identity, nationalism would have had to be subject to superior forces in the same way that a Catholic cannot subscribe to

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