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A clip of the Midwest’s only RHCP tribute performing at a Kappa Sigma / Sigma Chi fraternity party at Hampden-Sydney College, VA. Unfortunately, the only audio available to accompany this video was from the camera’s microphone, so it isn’t the best…but you get the idea.

Red Hot Chili Peppers Off the Map tour DVD live Blood Sugar Sex Magik From the album Blood Sugar Sex Magik John Frusciante States in his MySpace blog that he has officially left the Red Hot Chili Peppers =(

28 Responses to Funky Monks – Blood Sugar Sex Magik

  • jefflea says:

    Agreed, that was almost 4 yrs ago and probably the only show he ever played with the Les Paul. He’s been using a Strat or Tele for everything since then.

  • GuitarGuy2387 says:

    Loved it, but playing rhcp with a les paul?? Wip out that 3-tone sunburst strat son!

  • putsometoeon says:

    hahaha… love the chili peppers but i take my hat off to anyone who enjoys there music that much that they cover there songs… !!!

  • billyhay says:

    you guys really funked some monks up at this party…i hope you got your dunks sunked afterwards…nice playing

  • kunschlux says:

    damn saw ou guys in Kayl, Luxembourg, you really rocked our town out

  • Naamakalkkuna says:


  • slick82958 says:

    hmmm yeah you’re right dude, idk lol i made that comment 9 months ago and i do sound like an ass…idk why i said that, sorry man, you did do an amazing job tho, liked it alot now that im listening to it again, my bad man.

  • funkyfreshjuice says:

    but what if its just a bit of fun and your not making much money, its quite an investment to get all the same kit as the band, it would cost the drummer a small fortune because chad uses some incredibley expensive, top range custom pearl equipment. im a drummer so ill only commetn on the drums as ive no idea how much it would cost to accurately imitate the equipment of the other guys.

  • jefflea says:

    It’s for anyone that enjoys the music of RHCP.

    The real deal is absolutely 100 times better than we’ll ever be, but then again I don’t think RHCP would play at small clubs and fraternity parties either. We’re the next best option.

  • tepultost says:

    Is this for the people who cant afford “the real deal”?

  • funkadelic1992 says:


  • ZingZillion says:

    my fav red hots cover band

  • slick82958 says:

    and you know i gotta agree with him a little, if you’re going to be a tribute band shouldnt you use the same instruments like them to get the same sound? makes sense, but i was corrected cuz their other videos the guitarist picks up a strat.

  • slick82958 says:

    lol why does it matter that they no profile info, does that mean they cant have an opinion, cuz come on thats a little ridiculous, semmer down mike, you’re flippin out over some guys opinion. but btw nice job on the song, i agree that you deff sound better than the other bands ive heard, but since im a hardcore chilis fan i cant say you sound exactly like them, but damn close.

  • may9th says:

    wow, you guys are damn good for a tribute band. keep it up!

  • noodle654 says:

    I agree with you…that jackass theultimatedave is a total dick. These guys are sick and they are better than most of the shitty RHCP coverbands on here. Ohh, I would love to see you guys do Magic Johnson or Blackeyed Blonde. That would be sick!

  • JangoMike says:

    Why is that the people with NO Profile information and no videos are the ones that are most opinionated and critical????

    Who cares what the little jealous geek has to say, you guys are playing the shit tight, you like playing it and thats all that matters!


  • theultimatedave says:

    How can you waste your time to cover someone else?
    That´s fucked if you asked me- and boring.
    Why the heck is your guitarist using a Les Paul?
    The minimum you can do if you want to copy john then get a stratocaster

  • Lgolos says:

    I usually don’t say this, but the vocals were the best part of the song. Nice job all around, though.

  • jefflea says:

    Been there done that – we’ve all had original bands in the past, worked really hard at it, but we’ve reached a point in our lives where we just don’t have enough time to do both. The RHCP tribute is a fun and different challenge and we’ve found there to be a demand for it, especially when we take the show on the road.

    Thanks for checking us out, maybe we’ll see you someday!

  • dldbassist says:

    yeh, quite impressed here! but do you guys not want to play your own stuff? i mean i would love to have another band as a chilis cover band but this might bore me. dont get me wrong…id go to see yas live!

  • FleaBass101 says:

    Hey I saw these guys last night and they are amazing. So anyone who puts them down(which i havn’t noticed yet) should just shoot themselves. I met all of them too and they’re awesome guys.

  • jefflea says:

    Hey carljung13 – sorry we didn’t impress with the music on the recording…but I do think we get it right. Maybe it’s just a factor of the lousy sound quality from the camera mic.

    Check out the mp3s on our website – go to, and click on Tunes. Then click one of the music notes next to a song title to hear what we did on a demo recording in the basement. Yes, there are a few sloppy notes, but it was done “live”, and we didn’t go back to fix mistakes with overdubs.

  • carljung13 says:

    it’s ok – the singer sounds a bit like kiedis, but really the instrumentation is nowhere near RHCP. still, it’s nice to see people covering good music.

    p.s. john frusciante is god.

  • metalmr says:

    hey thts awsum, it does sound exactly like rhcp, u rock!

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