Gary sees a fortune teller / psychic tarot card reader to score some weed. His tarot cards fortune reading doesn’t look good. Luckily, the psychic palm reader / tarot advisor removes the weed curse. I think he should of got a tarot palm reading from the fortune teller for ONLY for 5 bucks. The psychic advisor lady hustles him out of 100 dollars or something. Now he barely has any money for weed! oh yeah, and he gets busted and goes to jail too.
Poor Gary, he reminds me of the Tricks Rabbit. Give him a break and give him some smoke for God sakes. LOL
thats Fucked
I have the answers you seek.
This made us die laughing
5/5 cant wait for the last gary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wicked Cool Vid Boys. Its a shame they won’t feature this because youtube is scared
but i didn’t even get any weed.. lol -can’t wait for the next one
ha ha…Gary got busted.whoops
that location is on 9th off arch i use to own that business and i sold it to her about 10 years ago
Poor Gary. Now he’s going to going to get raped and tortured in jail. I hope he’s got a good lawyer. Maybee a lawmaker will see this and LEGALIZE marijuana allready.
holy shit! gary’s too pretty to go to jail!
god do I love you Gary..
please help me…all i want to do is smoke some recreational marijuana…I BELIEVE IN THE POWER!LOUDER GARY THE GODS CANT HEAR U!!!!
Heh, amusing as always.
lmao, that shyts funny as hell
Coke? Crack? Weed?
I’ll take the weed.
Thanks for nothing you crackhead…LOL
awesome dude, ” I know his name boy” lol
These just get better and better..!! I want a Gary T-Shirt..!!!
haha nice work
Yo what up Gary? When you get out hit me up! I got some G13 Haze…I’ll save you some dude.
but i didnt even get any weeeeedddd!!!! LMAO
oh no! the popo!
damn. gary, ive got the money for your bail just give me a call. i’ll bring a jizz too.