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connecting us with our own inner sun center, our internal spark of light and joy. It enhances creativity, personal strength, self-expression, and power.

Amber is also a wonderful stone for babies, making them happy and joyful, and in Germany an old home remedy is to give a baby a large piece to bite on to relieve the pain of teething!”

As you can see it is a very versatile stone you might enjoy and use for your healing even if you are not a Gemini.

If you enjoyed this article and my perspective on things, you can sign up for my free weekly newsletter on my Astrological Signs Weather Report & Healing Gems Blog where I discuss the actual universal astrological forces and the special powers of gemstones and inspire you to use them wisely for a more successful and joyful life. I would love it if you feel like passing it on to some of your friends.

Aloha and many blessings, Shakti.

Shakti Carola Navran: astrologer, jeweler and author
1135 Makawao Ave. Suite 310
Makawao, Maui, Hawaii 96768
Phone: 808.878.8182

Shakti Carola Navran is originally from Germany, living in Maui, Hawaii, is a professional jeweler, astrologer and author with a lifelong spiritual journey; she has been crafting personalized Soul Jewelry since 1977. In her book Jewelry and Gems for Self-Discovery: Choosing Gemstones that Delight the Eyes & Strengthen the Soul she teaches you about how to read your personal horoscope and blue print for your life. Then you will be able to balance yourself in your most important areas with your 12 main healing gemstones, you could call your true birthstones. Jewelry and Gems for Self-Discovery is a treasure chest of ideas on how to select, purchase, and wear jewelry that will enhance your body, heart, mind, and soul. Find out more about it on her website and see her astrological weather report at .


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