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Georgia Pray For Rain

The dry ground blew into the air destroying the last few inches of top soil to the fields where irrigation had once fed its land. Now the farmers had to abandon their fields, because the underground river beds that watered the wells were now all dried up. The fields of earth now abandoned looked towards the heavens praying for God to rescue them!

The barren trees bowed low as if in prayer beseeching God for rain. The plants were gone and the people were leaving because there wasn’t any water where they lived. The pastures in all the counties were devastated from the lack of moisture and they prayed to their creator to fill their land once again with life.

A voice resounded from Heaven to all people who listened within their souls. Pray for Jesus to save your land. Acknowledge God in the Heavens above for He cares. Pray for Rain.

Long residents in the state of Georgia gathered in churches and even officials in government buildings pleaded and asked God for help. They saw the beauty of their land fading and the ponds and rivers dissipating and in fear they asked for rain.

Come all people gather together forget your differences and pray for rain. Acknowledge that Jesus Christ is your Savior and the rain will come like a flood and once again bring new life.

The boarding states heard the cries of the people shouting out from Georgia’s drought stricken land. The fear of their neighbors beckoned them to take heed to their plight. But they were satisfied in their own lives and what was happening to Georgia was helping their states. For they were profiting by shipping them loads of water and food.

A voice resounded from

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