Me (AJAngel7) playing black magic woman on bass
Black Magic in Bali, this is a true event of black magic fighting, a fighting challenge for grand price of Rp100 million. This event located in Rendang district Karangasem Bali Indonesia. Many people have seen this black magic fighting.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
lol its george, george fails. alot
que loco
lol ok…. weird combination.
ni video salah satu dari member aq punye kawan..ayin name dia dari sungkai.
ni video salah satu dari member aq punye kawan..ayin name dia dari sungkai..
Le, sampeyan kurang gawean
masuk ke tubuh seseorang
serem pisaaaaan….
extra fake
damned this is 100% real………this not from bali,…but from area in bondowoso east java island. this is land of ghost !!!!
hahaha…boleh2!kreatif juga hasil karyanya!!(nice try guys!its shitty…but nevertheless applaause for the effort)
agree with you dude, the dog barking and howling is a truly prove about this shit, very annoying sounds hahaha
agree with you dude, the dog barking and howling is a truly prove about this shit, very annoying sounds hahaha
agree with you dude, the dog barking and howling is a truly prove about this shit, very annoying sounds hahaha
agree with you dude, the dog barking and howling is a truly prove about this shit, very annoying sounds hahaha
agree with you dude, the dog barking and howling is always the same, and very annoying hahahahaha
this is a satan jinn, the men that invokes this satans are magicians.
this is just shit!!!haha but is fun!!! i admire the dog barking!!!always the same sounds!!!and the fake howling, sounds very human!!!
hahaha yes thats true tey are not speaking balinese , even they say allah hamdulillah hahah
@MrDelfira whaat?…………
BEGO…… lebih parah dari ‘sinetron’ PEMBURU HANTU. Yg satu itu aja ngaku cuma action krn tujuannya hiburan. Ngelekas tuh utk perang batin……. nggak mungkin bisa di syuting. Sekalian aja upload Ratu Kidul. Filmya kan banyak beredar tuh………
they speak javanese
Lol !!! stupid Fucking video!!!……
… they overdid the dog howling sound effects… besides, you can’t record these things.