Ronan’s 2nd job: Dragon Knight Characteristics: A Spell Knight is a one handed sword technician that is very strong in close combat and uses combinations of white magic to support his team. Dragon Knights weapon of choice is the glaive that specializes in thrusting and slicing attacks. It is a balanced weapon when it comes to close quarter combat and measurable distance. It is excellent in continuous and charging attacks. Spell Knight’s magic strengthens attack power and supports the team’s recovery. Ronan’s magic can annihilate enemies and the glaive’s battle abilities is at best when used with a combination of magic spells. A spell knight was the one that was able to defeat the dragon, so it safe to say that the Dragon Knight is the best warrior. Quest (GP): Lvl: 20 1. Gather 300 Glaive Fragments from monsters in Marsh of Oblivion, Forsaken Barrows, Forgotten Forest, and Gaikoz’s Castle (Any Difficulty is fine). Does not always drop. 2. Gather 10 Gaikoz’s Seals from Gaikoz’s Castle (***). Does not always drop. Quest (Cash): Lvl: 20 1. Gather 10 Glaive Fragments. 2. Get 1 Gaikoz’s Seal. Weapon: After completing the quest, you must equip a Glaive or you will resort to using First Job Skills. You cannot use both First and Second Jobs together. Skills: Black Magic: 1st Bar: Infinity Sword: Ronan thrusts a few strikes. The last strike will send targets flying. 2nd Bar: Sword Tempest: Ronan uses a Spin Attack and then his finish strike. “Grounds” targets. 3rd Bar: Road-Star …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
how come wen he attacks there are thunder??how do u get that?O:
@DevilAngelUtau but really long
and i feel like im the only one who has the dragon knight
Sieghart is kind of ronan wannabee
Same weapon almost
Deadly 2nd skill attack
Kinda same idea at 3rd black magic skill
they call it a glaive lol
awsome though
how do u unlock dragon knight and other characters?
Cash Mission is stupid though. GP helps you level really fast
duh….buy the mission with cash…fastest way…aha
Is your main ronan?
gp only
does anyone know how too get 2nd job frags really quick
Doesnt matter. They call it a Glaive :[
It looks more like a spear o-o
Sword with a longer handle.
Lol im lv 40 and agesis knight now xD
Not really. DKs are more preferred in PvP and SKs are preferred in PvE.
OH thanks Is dk any better than SK?
You get this “Practice Glaive” from the quest. Just equip it.
You have to equip a certain weapon in order to use the job.
Spell Knights = Magic Sword
Dragon Knights = Glaive
i did dk quest i finished and im lv 28 how come nothing changed?
Lol your lucky.
man i was trying to look for a guide on DK, but i went to U tube 2 listen 2 Michael jackson and i ended up here (“,) nice work
Ok, first off, there is no Dark Knight. This is Dragon Knight
2nd, you need to get Ronan to lvl 20 and complete 2nd job.
how do you becoem a dark knight im only a alchiemest
Darkboy132 as usual.
whats ur acc in Grand Chase – AngelsRegret