supplier. Greeting cards or gifts can be that little something that puts you in the lead. It can let your client know not only that you are a thoughtful person but also that they are important to you.
You do not necessarily have to send greeting cards or gifts during the holiday season. If you are in the kind of business where you know your clients birthdays, this can be a great way to keep in touch with them. Keep a file that all of the birthdays coming in the next month and send all of the cards at one time. It is more efficient this way, and you are less likely to have somebody fall through the cracks.
Depending on what kind of business you are in, you can take this opportunity to remind them of something that they need to do. If you are in the insurance industry perhaps a quick reminder that it is good to look at your coverage once in the year at least can prompt them to pick up the phone and call you. For most people one sale at year achieved this way will pay for all the gifts and greeting cards for the whole year.
Louisa Mann is a fan and is a practitioner of random acts of kindness. For more information on how you can change your part of the world with an inspirational Wish Card, go to
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