we teach you simple spells that every witch or wizard should know!
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I made new spells maybe you waited for them, they are not so flashy like kamehamehas or something, but they are easy to recreate, easy to learn and changeable. Download this map!: freefile.sunburst.at Questions? MSN: Zerobeat333@hotmail.com Email: Selensija@gmx.at ICQ: 220669630
Video Rating: 4 / 5
I liked how these ability was pretty original. I don’t really like Nova seems useless. Lags the game like crazy.
@DecHelmore I can answer you that every spell he made needed triggers. As for a specific how to, you’ll need dummy units
I most liked Nova =)
@DecHelmore you can download the map and import the triggers/abilities xD
@Gaztinerag obviously you lack competency in the editor – no matter how you edit in object editor, you would not achieve any of the effects without triggers.
@Selensija lol
I want Nova. It’s fucking AWESOME!
in dota these would be so imba
@MrSN99 Fail! Of course you can make them, i never downloaded spells, just modells and that´s because the wc3 modell program costs too much and milkshape is fucking complicated
hey bitch nobody can make theese thing you downloaded them
omg, finally, i found a mass illusion spell
i praise you for making one!
Hey man, i LOVE your mass capture. Please show me how to do it. how do i make shackles an AoE spell. Do i need triggers? Pleae get back. That is a win spell!
make a video whitch shows how you doing it
It requires Memory.. and Map has a Limit memory too.. they cant just pyt them like that
Exactly. You are just plain worthless. Dumb dumb chinaman :/
im a 14 year old american raised boy in texas, far from being a chinaman, and i dont even know how to make wc3 spells cus i dont play the game anymore
Man you chinamans get raged. Just because you have a small pee pee, you suck at video games, and make crappy ass wc3 spells doesnt mean you should get mad at people who are better than you at everything : /
point being you dont know if he’s japanese or not so we might as well just call you a dumb gook, so shutup you dumb gook.
You shud totally work for Icefrog and make new heroes,but specially new spells! you got amazimng creativity.
actually I can make these spells pretty dang easily. Thats if I wanted to make a dumb gook spell ( which I dont). :/
Gaztinerag , this is made whit trigger editor …
cus this guy is definately a jap right? dont be mad just cus u can’t do it.
red lightning is from finger of death, archimonde uses it i think.
those are some dumb gook spells
how do you make that ??
pls help me