Me acting out some scenes from order of the phoenix. Mostly dumbledore’s army, and spells. HA this one is a bit lame, but enjoy anyways
Video Rating: 3 / 5
Harry potter spells preformed by me! (omg, they are so lame!) In the future will be a not so lame harry potter video!
Video Rating: 5 / 5
i really like this because it looked like you were going the spells WHOA =D
@ImaZombeh Haha, I’m sure it will be. And watching yours encouraged me to possibly do one! xD But I’ll need to get the clothes first, haha. Oh yeah, (jw) do you play WoW?
@ThatoneAmericankid Gracias (: I’m thinking for the next one, I’m gonna do a scene from half blood prince.. not sure which yet. but It shall be epic! (kinda)
Haha, your right- not really as good as your last one, but I still like it.
@CandyCrazie lol it was tons of fun to make!
soo much fun
Thanks so much for giving me my first ever video response!!!!! I am currently making HP spell 2.0
@MintWithATwist LOL
@cattoon21 thanks, cattoon21! MORE MIGIC IN THE FUTURE!
@MultiStevo123 thanks, Right now I’m making one that actually looks like magic. (I might just be a wizard and you don’t know it!)
me 2. VERRY FUNNY love it its a keeper
this video is vary funny^_^
zap there go’s the bunny lol
I put this video on my favorites,