*What game/system is this? ~As is stated in the title, the game is called “Harvest Moon: Magical Melody.” It was first released for the GameCube, but is now also available for Wii. (Unfortunately, while the GameCube version allows you to control either a male or a female player character, the Wii version only includes the boy version of gameplay.) It is part of the “Harvest Moon” series of games… en.wikipedia.org …produced by Marvelous Interactive and distributed in English by Natsume Inc. There are Harvest Moon series games available for various consoles, and they all generally revolve around the premise of building up a ranch (crops, animals, etc), forming relationships with the villagers (heart events, marriage, children), and improving the town in some way. Still, all of the individual titles are very unique, usually with varying plots, characters, and graphic styles. *How are you a girl here?: ~I have the GameCube version of Harvest Moon: Magical Melody. Upon beginning a new file, this game prompts you to choose your gender along with your birthday season. However, the Wii version of the game (both the original European release and the US rerelease) removes the option to play as a girl. Sorry about that! *MARRIAGE REQUIREMENTS: ~8-10 hearts with your loved one ~your MAIN house upgraded to Level 3 (befriend Joe, Kurt, or Woody to at least one heart to make the “Remodel” option available for your FIRST house) ~Double bed (unlocked under “Furniture” at the Workshop …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Haha this is me after drinking to many!!! what do you expect when you pay £20 for all you can drink!!! woops!! btw this trick is called ‘back in time’ and it was created by Jay Sankey!!!
Video Rating: 3 / 5
As for money, besides the AWESOME winter mining @ Lake Cave…
~Blue Mist Flowers, found in Fall at the end of the rightmost Mountain path, ship for 500G each, + more than double that if you make it into a balm with a Mixing Pot!
~Win a horse race, & the crowned horse will sell for 50000G at the Blue Sky Ranch!
~Just make the most of what the game’s all about: crops! Plant as much as you can manage to care for. Maybe pick ones that regrow for multiple harvests (Breadfruit, Corn, etc).
No, you can’t. D= Sorry!
In the game “Harvest Moon: Magical Melody,” you can only have one child, and it will only ever grow up to toddler stage.
The game “Harvest Moon: Animal Parade” – another HM series title that I have videos about – that’s the one that lets you have 2 children. But not MM.
RayofHope3579, can you have a second baby on the game? becuz i really want another one.plz respond soon! oh and im really low on money do you have any advice besides mining cuz im getting bored with that
im married to alex we have a kid a barn and more so HAHAHA i have two kids!(:
I”M marry Nina and on the way to have my 1st baby
and why they remove the option to be a girl in the game
i hate that
It takes two seasons.
In this version, can you have a second kid? I am married to Alex, and our kid (also alex) is just begining to crawl. If so, what are the requirements?
i have a question. how long does it take to have the baby? i just found out im pregnet so how many more days?
thats not right that is just wrong
yeah thats the perfect way how to hold a NEW born baby lol
does the kid ever grow up?
i like ray the fisher man i had liked kurt but he was kinda mean rite now i have 50 notes
i named my baby: melody
Can your child be a boy OR girl?
@Garra1Fan lmao ur a nice parent lol i used to do that but i just stuck food in its mouth also
i wanna get this but i could only get the Wii version sadly because i think the GC one would be hard to find
sexy ass,
basil lokks like HE use a diaperXD
XD Basil @ 1:15!!!!! OMG!
When I got this part, I thought it was the mom screaming XD
how do you get your wife pregnant
I have this game and iwas going to marry Alex <3
THX for answering my question!
And i cant find my memory card cus my little sis hid it!
oh well!
Bob, huh? Wow! I almost never hear of someone wanting to marry Bob! The poor whole-head-taller-than-you, fiery-tattoo, slightly-scary-but-secretly-soft guy never gets any love, haha. xD Good for you!
No, you don’t need any EXTRA hearts to get pregnant. You need 9-10 hearts in order to GET married in the first place, and if you can MAINTAIN that (i.e. just keep your spouse happy; don’t make him hate you) then 20 days after the marriage your pregnancy will automatically be announced. Good luck!
um, i am a kid playing, i am really close to marring BOB. when i do, do i earn hearts to get pregnant?
His hat goes through the baby o.o