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xD; I vowed to make a marriage tutorial a LONG time ago, and here it finally is. Most people probably know this information by now, but I still thought it might be helpful. Watch in High Quality if possible, please! I beg of you: no more messages or comments on other videos asking about marriage or babies!! ^^;; I’ll just redirect you to this video. If you don’t understand something about it, please ask here. And if something is unreadable in the video, here’s all the info right now… MARRIAGE REQUIREMENTS: ~8-10 hearts with your loved one ~your MAIN house upgraded to Level 3 (befriend Joe, Kurt, or Woody to at least one heart to make the “Remodel” option available for your FIRST house) ~Double bed (unlocked under “Furniture” at the Workshop after the Level 3 upgrade; several styles marked with an “L” for Large) JAMIE MARRIAGE REQUIREMENTS: ~In addition to everyone’s Level 3 house, L bed, and 8-10 hearts. -collect FIFTY notes (save the Goddess) -use the Miracle Potion on each kind of animal (and with all babies born) -ship each kind of crop (only actual CROPS – other stuff on the shipping list doesn’t matter) [Strawberry seeds can be unlocked at the Spring Farm after shipping 50 Cabbages – or you can try to get lucky and come across a Strawberry in a Spring Seed Pouch, but doing so won’t unlock the seeds.] ~Even though you can marry Jamie as a boy OR a girl, you CANNOT continue the game with Jamie as your spouse. BABY: ~20 days after marriage, pregnancy will be announced

25 Responses to Harvest Moon: Magical Melody – Marriage Tutorial

  • HarvestMoon1996 says:

    this realy helped i had to start the game over three times becuase the first two i upgraded my house to a second and didint remodel so i messed that up.Now finally on my current file im married with nina

  • catdelks says:

    omg i need like 1 more heart for Alex. and i need the “double bed” and then i need the level 3 house and then im ready to go! 😀 i already have the level 2 house (because i thought i needed THAT house but i guess not) so i just got to upgrade AGAIN! 😀 lol im still happy cause im already in fall saeson and the game arrived yesturday! xD lol i stayed up till 4 in the morning yesturday playing this game xD lol i was TIRED the next day!

  • TheNintendomaster777 says:

    There is no point of marrying jamie then.

  • KekeBoo1995 says:

    @pikminlover1 oh. well then if yu want to marry him you can but if you dont, then whoever you want to marry you have to have 8-10 hearts with them

  • pikminlover1 says:

    @KekeBoo1995 i mean i am a boy that choosed a girl

  • RayofHope3579 says:

    Yes – you chose the “New Construction” option at the Workshop, right, and they built you a brand new building for your animals? That’s fine, that’s the way it’s supposed to work… but the barn has nothing to do with your marriage.
    It’s a Level 3 HOUSE that you need for marriage. Your other buildings (barn, coop) don’t matter. And to do that, you need to upgrade your first house to Level 3 by choosing the “Remodel” (NOT “New Construction”) option at the Workshop. ^^

  • RayofHope3579 says:

    Uh, those are the same clothes as normal (pink vest, jean shorts, red bandana) – it might just be the bad lighting of the video recording that makes it look different. xD; Sorry about that. You can’t change clothes in HM: Magical Melody (play Tree of Tranquility or Animal Parade if you want to do that! =3), except temporarily for the wedding and stuff.

  • KekeBoo1995 says:

    @pikminlover1 you can marry anyone you want. but i dont think they let you marry the same sex…

  • poisonmist13 says:

    How did you get those adorable clothes?! They are so cute!

  • GameNerdMan3456 says:

    I made a barn, is that a ‘new construction”?

  • RayofHope3579 says:

    No, no – you can definitely still upgrade to Lvl 3 from Lvl 2!
    (It just would’ve saved some time and money to upgrade straight from Lvl 1 to Lvl 3.)
    There are 5 total levels for houses. You can upgrade as many times as you want (providing you’ve unlocked each upgrade at the Workshop) until you hit Lvl 5. You don’t have to stop building after 1 upgrade.
    Also, you can’t DOWNgrade houses, but a house BIGGER than Lvl 3 will still fulfill the marriage requirement.
    Hope that makes sense.

  • MarilleChan says:

    So if you already upgraded your house to a lvl 2 you can’t get lvl three? ;_;

  • pikminlover1 says:

    if ray kissed me i need to mary ry (i am a boy)

  • humansvsanime12 says:

    okay thank you so much becuase i thought i messed up thanks

  • RayofHope3579 says:

    Yeah, Level 4 will be fine. ^^ I think the only reason the Level 3 is a marriage requirement is that it’s the minimum to unlock the purchase of the “(L)” beds, which your future spouse needs to sleep in. So, as long as you have any style of double bed displayed in your house (one of the ones that’s marked “(L)”), that should be fine.

  • humansvsanime12 says:

    okay i have one more problem. i have my house to a level 4 and i got the beds can i still get married with level 4 or do i have to have 3

  • RayofHope3579 says:

    No, no way! For marriage, you just need to get 8-10 hearts with the one person you want to marry. Not with EVERYBODY. ^^ Good luck.

  • humansvsanime12 says:

    wait hold on do you really need to get all the hearts up in the hole village

  • avatargirl275 says:

    This is gonna really help when I play this game thaxs for uploading this! 😀

  • michii1613 says:

    thanx 🙂

  • DoubleNullVoid00 says:

    I need some? help on this game! I can seem too get heart meters up with the dog you start with and wild animals or people. I pick up the wild animals and i fed the rabbit a carrot but nothing! Can anyone help?!?!?!

  • ELWitchMLBlade says:

    that’s exactly what I did! I made a new construction and I didn’t know what the main house was but now I know the main house is the first house -.- ty for answering my questions! =D

  • BlackBerry258 says:

    @RayofHope3579 oh….. okay. so I just have to be reeeaaaallllllyyyyy patient….. yeah that doesn’t work for me DX LOL.
    But , sure, if I need any help, I’ll ask

  • RayofHope3579 says:

    Nope! I’m not even sure if a cheat like that exists.
    It just takes time, effort, and perhaps a little research – to find out what gifts they like – to befriend people. It’s certainly not impossible to get every single villager to the full ten hearts without cheating. My own character and my mom’s character have both done it. ^^ Good luck! Just try to visit (talk to) them on a regular basis, and give gifts whenever possible. And if you need tips on what a specific person likes, I can try to help!

  • BlackBerry258 says:

    did you use a cheat to get all of the hearts?

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