Has Anyone In Human History Done As Muhammad?
In the West, all sorts of maligns were invented against the Prophet Muhammad. On the other hand, the views of some famous non-Muslims authors and scholars regarding Prophet Muhammad may give some but not all the truth about the Prophet Muhammad.
Most of the people do not realize that the Prophet Muhammad is the last link of the chain of Prophets sent in different lands and times since the very beginning of the human life on this planet.
It is said that, man is the enemy of what he ignores. This might explain why the western media are almost always attacking the Prophet Muhammad, the Quran, Islam and Muslims.
What Muhammad has done in 23 years?
During this short period of 23 years of his Prophethood, Muhammad has changed the complete Arabian Peninsula
From paganism and idolatry to worship of One God,
From tribal quarrels and wars to national solidarity and cohesion,
From drunkenness and debauchery to sobriety and faithfulness,
From lawlessness and disorder to closely controlled living,
From utter ruin to the highest standards of moral superiority,
From killing their girls to the love and honoring of their girls, etc.
Who has done all of these in 23 years?
His Name is MUHAMMAD.
Has anyone in Human history done all of these transformations in 23 years?
That is why; the West has still to go a step forward to discover the correct reality about the Prophet Muhammad and the fact that he is the true and the last Prophet sent by the Lord God for the whole humanity.
This article presents what Sir GEORGE BERNARD SHAW said about the Prophet Muhammad
Who is George Bernard
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