Have Always Wanted A Tarot Card Reading And Was Always Curious About Them!? so you say? Father Time Has The Answers You Seek!
Tarot Card Readings by Phone or by e-Mail…
Many folks often wonder about tarot cards and tarot card readings! There is absolutely nothing wrong with them and although some obsessive church goers think that they might be “evil,” I assure you that they are not! First of all, no one who does readings can go without saying “for entertainment purposes only,” as this is the proper disclaimer to give. Also, nothing can or should replace medical advice from a doctor or legal advice from an attorney.
Whenever you are visiting somewhere that has a “tarot card reading” store or booth; you have often been tempted, haven’t you? I know you have, as many folks are curious! Don’t feel bad about being tempted or curious, many folks wonder about many different things…it is part of being human! Anyway, some extremely experienced and knowledgeable tarot card readers, such as me, are able to read your cards over the phone or do it, and then e-mail you the results!
IF you live in the USA, I will be happy to give you a reading on the phone. You can go to my fabulous website listed below, order the “tarot card reading by phone” and we will set up a time when You & I are both available and also a time when you won’t get distracted or interrupted (very important!) and I will call you and we will need about 20 minutes!
IF you are anywhere else in the world, you can order the “tarot card reading by e-mail” option, which is a bit less expensive, and then you can have me contact you by e-mail, you will ask a question or two or three, and then I may ask a few of you. Then I will do
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