Question by AndreY: Have anybody ever heard or use mind tarot or tarot precognition before?
In other words, images of tarot cards visualizing in your mind. Because it’s happen to me so many times.
predict the cards that turn over.
Best answer:
Answer by eri
Do you mean you just thought of a card? That’s called ‘imagination’, and yes, it happens to everyone. Not paranormal. Or do you mean you can predict the cards before they’re turned over? If you can do that significantly more times than chance would allow for, this guy would give you a million bucks for a demonstration. That would be paranormal.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
eri got stomped….she hangs out here just to make fun of people so ignore the creature. Your a sensitive….look it up and enjoy… it is an ability passed down in your family. Don’t waste it…Develope it….Read all you can on the subject and practice. You’ll get better at it the more you use the ability…..good luck