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Question by iamlaura2006: Have you ever had a metaphysical realization?
There is a magnificent essay by Schopenhauer in which he asks, how is it that a human being can so participate in the peril or pain of another that without thought, spontaneously, he sacrifices his own life to the other? How can it happen that what we normally think of as the first law of nature and self-preservation is suddenly dissolved?
In Hawaii some four or five years ago there was an extraordinary event that represents this problem. There is a place there called the Pali, where the trade winds from the north come rushing through a great ridge of mountains. People like to go up there to get their hair blown about or sometimes to commit suicide – you know, something like jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge.
One day, two policemen were driving up the Pali road when they saw, just beyond the railing that keeps the cars from rolling over, a young man preparing to jump. The police car stopped, and the policeman on the right jumped out to grab the man but caught him just as he jumped,

Best answer:

Answer by a_delphic_oracle
That was a very wordy explanation of a simple act. It was nothing amazing. There was no thought involved. It was a very human and humane act. This is what we as humans were meant to be. Because we are all one. It is simple.

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2 Responses to Have you ever had a metaphysical realization?

  • anabasisx says:

    Yes, I have. One night a friend and I both spontaneously prayed for eachother and offered up a sacrifice for the other’s happiness. The interesting thing is we were both offering to give up all hope in a certain important aspect of our lives that was lacking in order for the other to have what they needed. In fact, in a way we were both willing to give up everything for the other. As it happened, the Lord accepted my sacrifice and he received that which he had almost given up hoping for. I am really happy for him and his happiness is my own. Besides, I know in the long run God is looking out for both of us in his own way and in his own time.

  • freesumpin says:

    Yes. Absolutely! And the experiences are so awesome and personal that it affects the way I live my life now to the core of my lil’ heart!

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