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Question by Disease Precipitated By Aging: Have you noticed how those whom present themselves as confident and or enlightened/spiritual/ ‘above…?
can be a ”light” on to others, a ‘teacher’, even though they may be speaking more than actually knowing and can even contradict themselves in their conversation.

How can you be sure of a persons honesty about subjects like metaphysic or other ‘realms’?
Even speaking in contradictions can be a way of simply trying to put their experience into words, which are experiences out of the ‘box’ or beyond words.
Like experiences through LSD or other such powerful drugs or meditation etc.
Some people have a ceartain charisma and confidence that may even blind out the words in detail.
From gurus, philosophers, buddhist monks, etc.

English is not my mother tongue.
Peoples strong uneasiness/insecuritys can easily lead one to fall for those who give the inpression, even if there humble, that they have the answers of life.
One might have a close O.D. on a substance and think or feel he has tap into or experienced another higher plane of existence other than ones brain creating images or blackness with lights as it is in chock or something.
The blackness might be undertsood as philosophical and spiritul emptiness

Best answer:

Answer by Kel
I do understand what you are saying and I do think you have spoken truth. It is a wise individual who can be silent and let other’s find their way toward enlightenment. Knowing when to speak and when to listen is a gift. Also it is perspective. I am only one individual and being that I, therefore, cannot, hold all of the answers. My truth is subjective. When I speak it is not for the sake of persuading others to believe I know the right path, but it is the love of knowledge and “sharing” perspectives that helps all to grow.

You cannot be sure of another’s honesty. Besides there is no “proof” only high probability. You can keep an open mind and contemplate what they have stated, but in the end it is yourself that needs to research and find the “right” answer to your question.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

5 Responses to Have you noticed how those whom present themselves as confident and or enlightened/spiritual/ ‘above…?

  • Jan Stolz says:

    Ever hear of a Zen riddle? If not, look it up.

  • yogiraj says:

    Yes thats true, good orators cram up books and talk wonderful things. The real gurus, buddist monks do have charisma which blinds out the words. In fact it is the ‘rays’ they emit that give peace to the receiver rather than talks.So far you are absolutely right.Drug experiences and the bable of a drug user is plain crap and not worth mentioning.

  • AngelaSD says:

    I think it is very simple, people with confidence attract people! And when we are attracted to someone, regardless if it is for a romantic relationship, it happens just the same in friendships, and we are drawn to that person and feel like they have something to share with us. We want some of what they have to rub off on us! They seem so happy and as if their life is perfect, and living each day to the fullest. So, I think when others see this they want to do anything to keep this wonderful experience / person in their life.

    Thanks for reading!

  • Special EPhex says:

    A genuine spiritual teacher/leader/healer is someone who is working on or has already transcended the ego. Contradiction comes from duality which means that the person still identifies with form on their respective level of consciousness. When the ego is transcended duality doesn’t remain and one attains what is called enlightenment. The rarity of the condition has left very little known about it to the masses, as the onset of the experience leads most to a life of living in seclusion. There are currently less than twenty enlightened beings on the planet.

  • THRASSOS S says:

    I am not sure what is your exact question. What troubles you and whether you provoke a critique or you speak in favor of these people you are talking about. I will tell you what I think about speaking about Philosophy and maybe this might be a criterion or a view to understand these people you make comments of.
    I think in Philosophy, as in Science also, it is OK to speak in simple words as far as we express the exact meaning of a notion or a theory we are talking about. Speaking simply about complex matter I think is a good think because the fewer people understands Philosophy the least outcome have we achieved as writers, blockers, thinking human beings.
    It is a matter of fact that there are good Philosophers and bad Philosophers. But, in Humanities there are different approaches, different perspectives so who is the one to judge the faultiness of the argument of the one or the other side.
    Thomas Kuhn once proposed a theory of scientific communities as we all know. Well this theory renders relativity of facts on the one hand less likely to disorganize Philosophy but, on the other hand Kuhn’s theory about Scientific Revolutions implies that from time to time there are different truths.
    I do not know, if I understood your thesis well. This is my comment to what you present as an issue.

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