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Question by Disease Precipitated By Aging: Have you noticed how those whom present themselves as confident and or enlightened/spiritual/’above’…..
can be a ”light” on to others, a ‘teacher’, even though they may be speaking more than actually knowing and can even contradict themselves in their conversation.

How can you be sure of a persons honesty about subjects like metaphysic or other ‘realms’?
Even speaking in contradictions can be a way of simply trying to put their experience into words, which are experiences out of the ‘box’ or beyond words.
Like experiences through LSD or other such powerful drugs or meditation etc.
Some people have a ceartain charisma and confidence that may even blind out the words in detail.
From gurus, philosophers, buddhist monks, etc.

English is not my mother tongue.
Peoples strong uneasiness/insecuritys can easily lead one to fall for those who give the inpression, even if there humble, that they have the answers of life.
One might have a close O.D. on a substance and think or feel he has tap into or experienced another higher plane of existence other than ones brain creating images or blackness with lights as it is in chock or something.
The blackness might be undertsood and philosophical and spiritul emptiness
The blackness might be undertsood as philosophical and spiritul emptiness

Best answer:

Answer by Andymcj78 (atheist)
Buddhist monks are an exception- they don’t preach to anyone that doesn’t ask them first and they never try and convince people to accept their ideology.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

3 Responses to Have you noticed how those whom present themselves as confident and or enlightened/spiritual/’above’…..

  • Dharmanator says:

    Honesty isn’t a problem – these people usually believe what they are saying. Accuracy is the problem.

  • FluffyFuFuBunny says:

    If they can make people think, and make them think for themselves, then they serve a useful purpose. You don’t even have to be accurate or make much sense to do that. You just have to know how to intrigue people and give the sense that there’s something to what you’re saying. Even if it’s just gibberish.

  • fear none but HIM says:

    THey R foolish ,dont think its a serious problem.
    you Can deal with it.

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