Question by Zelda Hunter: Have you read any of Martin Prechtel’s books? If so are they spiritual, political or anthropological?
He is a man who came from Swiss and Native American (Canadien) roots, and he went to Santiago Atitlán in Guatemala and became a Mayan shaman.
The first 2 books are “Secrets of the Talking Jaguar” and “Long Life, Honey in the Heart.”
Best answer:
Answer by Lamia
I have never read them, but this is what I gathered from looking at reviews and subject headings for these books.
If I had to pick one of your three categories, I’d say they look to be spiritual books .
Pretchtel describes life in Guatemala and traditions and rituals practiced there, so there are anthropological elements. However, he isn’t a professional anthropologist and his books are not research studies. They seem to be more like memoirs describing his life and personal experiences.
He must talk about the political situation in Guatemala (since that’s what forced him to flee the country), but the books do not appear to be particularly political.
Maybe someone who has read them can tell you more.
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