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the great teacher: it is the great manifestation of Soul, and Soul manifests the Supreme.
It is on the doctrine of the illusive nature of matter, and the infinite divisibility of the atom, that the whole science of Occultism is built.
By its complex nature the soul may descend and ally itself so closely to the corporeal nature as to exclude a higher life from exerting any moral influence upon it. On the other hand, it can so closely attach itself to the Nous or Spirit as to share its potency, in which case its vehicle, physical man, will appear as a God even during his terrestrial life.
The processes of Nature are acts of incessant borrowing and giving back.
If we admit that we are in the stream of evolution, then each circumstance must be to us quite right.
The centripetal force could not manifest itself without the centrifugal in the harmonious revolution of the spheres; all forms are the products of this dual force in nature.
The duty of a Theosophist to himself is to control and conquer, through the Higher Self, the lower self. To purify himself inwardly and morally; to fear no one, and naught, save the tribunal of his own conscience. Never to do a thing by halves; i.e., if he thinks it the right thing to do, let him do it openly and boldly, and if wrong, never touch it at all.
Crimes committed in Avidya, or ignorance, involve physical but not moral responsibilities or karma. Take, for example, the case of idiots, children, savages, and people who know no better. But the case of each who is pledged to the HIGHER SELF is quite another matter. You cannot invoke the Divine Witness with impunity, and once that you have put yourselves under its tutelage, you have asked the Radiant Light to shine and search through all the dark corners of your

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