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come. Tell one who had never seen water that there is an ocean of water and he must accept it on faith or reject it altogether. But let one drop fall upon his hand, and he then has the fact from which all the rest may be inferred.
Real life is in the spiritual consciousness of that life, in a conscious existence in Spirit, not Matter, and real death is the limited perception of life, the impossibility of sensing conscious or even individual existence outside of form, or at least of some form of Matter.
Arcane knowledge misapplied, is sorcery; beneficently used, true magic or WISDOM.
As there is no good or evil per se, so there is neither ‘elixir of life’, nor ‘elixir of death’, nor poison, per se, but all this contained in one and the same universal Essence, this or the other effect, or result, depending on the degree-of its differentiation and its various correlations. The light side of it produces life, health, bliss, divine peace, etc., the dark side brings death, disease, sorrow and strife.
Once grasp the idea that universal causation is not merely present, but past, present and future, and     I every action on our present plane falls naturally and     JL easily into its true place, and is seen in its true     B relation to ourselves and to others. Every mean and selfish action sends us backwards and not forward, while every noble thought and every unselfish deed are stepping stones to the higher and more glorious planes of being.
Ten ciphers, twenty-two alphabetical letters, one triangle, a square and a circle. Such are the elements of the Kabalah, from whose mysterious bosom sprang all the religions of the past and present.
Nature gives up her innermost secrets and imparts true wisdom only to him who seeks truth for its own

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