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the latter cannot be referred to as ‘man’, but has to be regarded as a Monad imprisoned in ever-changing forms.
Sorcery is any kind of evil influence exercised upon other persons, who suffer, or make others suffer, in consequence.  
The Society has no wisdom of its own to support or teach. It is simply the storehouse of all the truths uttered by the great seers, initiates, and prophets of historic and even prehistoric ages.
Occultism embraces the whole range of psychological, physiological, cosmical, physical, and spiritual phenomena.
We may designate the spirit as the centrifugal, and the soul as the centripetal, spiritual energies. When in perfect harmony, both forces produce one result; break or damage the centripetal motion of the earthly soul tending toward the centre which attracts it; arrest its progress by clogging it with a heavier weight of matter than it can bear, and the harmony of the whole, which was its life, is destroyed.
Karma-Nemesis… punishes the evildoer, aye, even to his seventh rebirth, so long; indeed, as the effect of his having thrown into perturbation even the smallest atom in the Infinite World of Harmony has not been finally readjusted.
For our Ego lives its own separate life within its prison of clay whenever it becomes free from the trammels of matter, i.e., during the sleep of the physical man. This Ego it is which is the actor, the real man, the true human self. But the physical man cannot feel or be conscious during dreams; for the personality, the outer man, with its brain and thinking apparatus, are paralysed more or less completely.
Keep the Link unbroken.
Slavery to State and men has disappeared only to make room for slavery to things and Self, to one’s own vices and idiotic social customs and ways…

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