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thoughts, however, serve merely to distract the attention and waste energy.
For the occultists, who say that the author of Nature is Nature itself, something indistinct and inseparable from the Deity, it follows that those who are conversant with the occult laws of Nature, and know how to change and provoke new conditions in ether, may — not modify the laws, but work and do the same in accordance with these immutable laws.
… learn that Occultism differs from Magic and other secret Sciences as the glorious sun does from a rushlight, as the immutable and immortal Spirit of Man — the reflection of the absolute, causeless and unknowable all — differs from the mortal clay — the human body.
The Doctrine teaches that in order to become a divine, fully conscious god — aye, even the highest — the Spiritual primeval Intelligence must pass through the human stage.
Like an immense boa constrictor, Error, in every shape, encircles mankind, trying to smother in her deadly coils every aspiration towards truth and light. But error is powerful only on the surface, prevented as she is by Occult Nature from going any deeper.
Gnomes, sylphs, fairies, djinns, and so on, are the Soul of the elements, the capricious forces in Nature, acting under one immutable law, inherent in these Centres of Force, with undeveloped consciousness and bodies of plastic mould, which can be shaped according to the conscious or unconscious will of the human being who puts himself en rapport with them.
He who deprives any of his fellows of the light, the good, the help, the assistance he can wisely give them, and lives for the accumulation of material   things, for his   own   personal gratification, is the real robber; and he who steals from his fellows the precious

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